Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Pinky Brown Before Periods Due

Week of free education: 19 May to 21 May, 2010 Lendhafen

are free - free education! "Universities show what they do"
Under the motto the university moves outside. It shows how the university life is like, as taught, educated and exploratory. And to really rule out anyone of them, the whole place in the middle Lendhafen held in Klagenfurt. Different courses to show how much in the word "university" really is tight. This includes the culture and evening programs such as book presentation or short presentations of scientific papers, as well as music and discussions. A
"Visual" experience under the open sky, so that nothing stands in the way. Program Flyer:

PS: In case of bad weather, the fall rainy days "into the water."
see also:

We would also like particularly to lend by the architects murero_bresciano planned, financed and built the capital Klagenfurt currently Lendhafen gastroesophageal pavilion with a stage and a public toilet facility. This gentle adaptation of the upcoming summer arts and cultural events under the title lend


Soon on this blog: about the opening of the adapted Lendhafens and lend


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