the Lend Lendwurm rides: Lendhafen Mini Mundus 19 clock, 20 clock, 21 clock Mini Mundus - Lendhafe clock 19:30, 20:30 clock 21: 30 Clock

Under the title "lend Potpourri of data center aka Marc Weiser, DJ Field Agent Slow Learner and Guido Möbius
(practically a best of the musical lend with over 300 visitors a very successful next montage sauvage Behind the pseudonym "montage sauvage" is an artist quartet with emphasis live video art, club visuals and party, while the boys mini-movies with 3D objects and motion graphics merge with "savage cuts" . Since 2005, active in Austria, residents at several events and festivals and also internationally frequently booked data cable (CH, D, NYC) are montage sauvage with their projections on the Kitzsteinhorn glacier, 2800 meters above the sea, at minus 25 degrees probably world record holder for VJing under extreme conditions. Info:
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