You can even see the birdhouses from Kreuzberg Kottbuser Tor U-Bahn Station!

Now we are waiting for the spring and for the the migrant birds to find their new nests done by Kreuzbergers!
Topic List
health policy and development of SHI
- health care reform in Germany: Was it the already, or what comes next?
- value for money, money for value
- development of cash Landscape: insolvencies, bankruptcies and mergers. Opportunities for consolidation?
- liberalization and privatization of health care and health insurance market:
Who pays for additional requirements?- we need a redefinition of the service catalog? Prioritization or rationing?
innovations, e-health and telemedicine
- As innovations come into the system? Just a question of funding?
- Innovative financing solutions and savings potential: the example of hospitals and clinics
- new combination of GBA, a leading organization and IQWiG
- innovation in the interests of insured and patients
- telemedicine as a tool for cross-sector supply
- telemedicine in Germany: Much research and development - little routine
The future of hospital care and rehabilitation
- standardization of treatment processes / industrialization of medicine:
Innovative approaches to the process and resource planning- New results of hospital-rating reports
- Intersectoral supply concepts:
future of hospital services - interface to outpatient- chances of rehabilitation in an aging society
- Rehabilitation - Quo vadis in NRW?
optimization of medical care / care management
- New strategies of supply management in the face of scarce resources
- solutions to supply problems in the country. Strategies against doctors lack
- Surgery Optimize regionalization versus centralization.
presentation of innovative models of care- services research - the foundation for innovative health care management
quality and transparency / patient autonomy
- change course when IQWiG? Useless drugs from reimbursement remove?
- patient orientation in quality and Transparency: Informed patients control their doctors
personnel, labor, health professionals
- forms of division of labor, cooperation and sharing of expertise in medical establishments.
- Advanced Training approaches in the health professions:
necessary capacity, possible integration- New forms of dialogue between the professional groups: paradigm shift announced
- attractive jobs in the hospital
03/23/2011 to 03/25/2011 Hotel Taschenbergpalais, Dresden
Hospitals 2011: Quality and cost pressures
efficiency potentials Recognize and take advantage
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In times of tight budgets is a complete performance-based billing an important element for securing the company's success.
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Symposium on hospital management on 14.4.2011 in the PEG - THE ACADEMY, Munich
Subject: Management, Physicians, Nursing, in accordance of the comprehensive procurement process On Thursday, 14 April 2011 in the PEG - THE ACADEMY, Munich target groups: Hospital Management as Managing Director, Business Management, Controller, physicians, nursing management, project management, quality management, strategic sourcing, all those in the purchasing process are involved PEG - The AcademyBitkom: Cell phones can replace many doctor visits
Mobile healthcare solutions to mobile phones in the coming years, gaining in importance in medical care. This is the result of a study by market research firm research2guidance, the world's 231 companies surveyed in the health sector. The high-tech industry association Bitkom expects that future cell phones can make the transition into practice unnecessary. "Special health Apps are ideal for transmitting and storing individual patient data," Bitkom president August-Wilhelm Scheer said today in Berlin. Especially in the fight against diseases of civilization such as diabetes, obesity or high blood pressure could mobile phones be used. Special mobile medical equipment could therefore enter the health records of a patient and forward them to the phone. This could in turn evaluate the data with an app and in case of need for doctors, hospital or health center forward. Steps should be omitted expensive investigations.01/12/2011
67 percent of surveyed companies believe that will be using in 2015 the majority of doctors, nurses and medical staff in the developed world health Apps. Every other company, however, feared that the spread could be hampered by the lack of standardization.