Motivated by the good performance at the end of the season and with a newly designed weight room, I went to prepare the season 2011.

first four weeks were general training in the program, where Florian followed - was the surprise second in the B-heavies in Stadlau.
the same first practice two setbacks - thanks to sloppy technique in the deep knee bends in the lower back pinched something, so I could take in the following training heavy loads more.
My patella tendon also went faster again felt as feared - but I know these problems since the spring - with electric impulses and "active release" but I get the handle slowly.
this weekend for the first time I could train again fairly painless technique - a nice feeling:)
The Schilli seems his training beginning (Was planned in early November) by at least a month to move back.
colleague Gratzer were busy training for the indoor season, his persistent problems with his back and thighs to accompany him but still, to this was a clean tear volumes. What is good, but that it currently encounters with a relatively stable technology - because he made the one hand, many bumps, and we changed his technique also a few little things.
now I am with my training plan reached by the end of April, which will bring me to my second "real" Highlander season more power and better technology.
Twice a week it is late in the evening after my long work days in our Weight room and on weekends during daylight is the technical training in the foreground. Since there are still a lot to practice.
The plan has a 14-day rhythm, I think it is better always different priorities should be addressed:
Week 1:
force 1:
5x 5WH deep knee bend
5x 5WH bench press
addition to exercises: Beibizeps, pull exercises, spec. Hull power
force 2: reacting
5x 3WH + poking
10x jumping series
10x 5 medicine ball kicks
addition Exercises: Overhead squats, shoulder rotators
Engineering 1:
10x Cabertoss
hammer throw
Weight f. Distance
Week 2:
force 3: 5x
5WH front squat
5x 5WH incline press
addition to exercises: Beibizeps, pull exercises, spec. Hull power
force 4:
5x 3WH deadlift
5x 3WH poking vd breast
10x jumping series
addition exercises: overhead squats, abdominal crunches
Technology 2:
medicine ball / ball throws
Weight f. Height
hammer throw
Weight f. Distance see
stone throwing
The goals for the season 2011 are as follows:
f. Weight Distance:
Here I put 2010 more time to my art because I can not cope with the two rotations was - two times I threw a variety of techniques nearly approached 15.50 meters in the competition. Meanwhile, I think understood the technique of two rotations to have - this discipline is also a week in the program. Lengths over 16 meters in the competition are the goal.
Hammer Throw:
The Second Rotation litter - even if only from the state - gives me the great technical problems. Wide just below 26 meters in the competition have been there to her the best of me. Again, I think to have now understood the technology - with a weekly training distances over here should 28 meters are possible.
f. Height Weight:
Here I am surprised at the end of the season with good performances with the 25kg weight itself. 3.70 meters, it was then. Here I think the key lies with the force values, when I am in the deadlift and the squat here should increase heights from 3.80 to 3.90 meters are inside.
stone throwing: Because of my broken elbow
I can not train a lot specific. This year I came up with the awkward tools nearly two times for 12 yards in the contest. With good athleticism and a couple of short, focused technical units should but since distances possible to be 12.50 meters - the iron ball I've ever encountered over 14 meters:)
From the "AHC-wide litter" is my technique with the heavy Cabers not really good - is shedding too late, too little arm stroke goes up. If I can repair it, would have to go the heavy chunks better.
is just always good when you know where you should start to improve; found)
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