mid-October 2010, the PEG in Munich together with 350 guests hospitals, business, government and schools in Verbδnden Becks teatro, Mόnchen, its 40th anniversary. She had indeed reason to celebrate. Because their way is a success story.
Issue 06 / 2010 r & w: U. Meurer Chairman Elio Schneider congratulated for the anniversary and called with a quote from Georg von Siemens in memory, as reflected in economic life everyone should remember: ". In the long run only bring such business profits that benefit the general public" to this principle, the PEG has prescribed. Their main task is the economic promotion and support of its members. f & w accompanied the PEG from the start. Even in our first issue in 1984, the then manager Walter Roscoe spoke up in an interview. Asked about the objectives of the PEG, he said, the cooperative wants the member companies in all procurement problems and in all aspects of business advice and assistance available to the side and at the same time convey the entire demand value for money.
And that has made it clear well. For even in the third edition of F & W in the same year we were able to report an ordinary general meeting. The sales volume increased by 14.3 percent happily to 136 million Deutsche Mark. This enables a refund and a dividend of ten per cent. Annual R & W reported on the General Assembly. About the good, the pleasant, the extremely successful development of PEG, its growing importance and its success. The superlatives were received from the editorial board over time. Membership and sales climbed only above average, then out of proportion, including rapidly. The members were satisfied and the partner houses, so the Industry, there were. Professor Ludwig Georg Braun, Chairman and CEO of B. Braun Melsungen AG, named the 25th anniversary of the PEG, the silver anniversary of a relationship with good partners. 2002, changed the hospital world.
The PEG could not help it. But they had to deal with it. Max Lux took responsibility in a time of change. Following a global crisis at the beginning of the decade we were in Germany five million unemployed. The troubles in the financing of the social system became more apparent. In this situation, the PEG has done the right thing: it has shrunk is healthy. Rationalization, streamlined structures and processes they brought reorganized again on track. Everything that PEG recommends that its member houses, she herself has lived in the house. This was rewarded in 2005 PEG wrote back positive numbers. Since 2008, Anton J. Schmidt is the CEO of the cooperative. He recognized early on that the health care industry is the sunrise industry in Germany and that the PEG has the potential to take on an important creative role. With double-digit growth rates it builds on the successes of the 1990s. has the editors of F & W to report back event, new superlatives.
Source: f & w 6 / 2010, page 652, www.bibliothek.de