this weekend were Sandy, Martin and I travel to bookmakers in Saxony.

For the A-heavies, the "German International Professional Championships" ausgetra Gen. As there were some nice prize money she earned the designation. With 14 starters, there was also a large field of competitors. Of the top athletes were missing only Gunn ar Pentecost and Uli Müller. In addition to Martin were still three Dutch at the start - and made the field internationally.
The B Heavys the field with 7 starters was quite manageable.

In the very first contest is buried my hopes for an A-Heavy Qu al ifikation - only 14.13 meters and 3rd place in the Weight for Distance. About three feet away from my s last training ranges - whether the hard place (went intercept position uphill) or my nerves I can not say. The stone I then won with 11.95 meters. 2nd place in the hammer with 25.75 meters - another piece away from the A-Heavy quality. In the high
I could throw with 4.10 meters and then No. 2 Daniel overtake the Weight and Hammer won. Since that day would have been more inside, which were still under 4.10 with some air above.
The decision then brought the Caber - with 2 to 12, I was here second behind Ma rtin Kuhne and before Daniel and I could go get the overall victory.
Martin - I stay the again received the "favorite enemy" - held next Years left in Prießnitz on 14/15 also a game with Highland Heavy Events. The date we have already an ngeplant .
The A Heavys :

Heavyweight Martin managed 8.45 meters good and heavy with the hammer was he bring with 26.24 meters for the first time, a discipline victory in Germany. Unfortunately, the light hammer at the A-Heavy's for safety reasons (small litter box) has not played - which Martin had to pretend a lot of placement points.
In the high litter was the same time started at 3.60 meters - but Martin made himself at our squat training paid for. He increased his personal best of 3.75 to 4.10 meters high.
The competition there was a great battle between Mr Dorow and BamBam where it went high. The Caber
managed all the skills tree (B-Heavy tree), and Martin was able to create with the heavy Caber last attempt for 90 °. Showed great performances here, and Daniel Andre Bonne Dorow which could be a good technique and high speed in the jump with an even heavier tree behind David.
was the end, the favorite by David Frey from club-mate Andreas Deuschle. We enjoyed the course, as the two start at our games on 2 October above.
3rd place went to BamBam who is back after his back injury. Fourth and five in the two training colleagues and Daniel Andre Bonne Dorow, and Martin was sixth in front of just under Hans Dorow - the father of Daniel.

a great competition, sse with two good moderators and a great Publikumskuli .
We are particularly pleased that We coach Rolf Austria, to the attended competition.
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