migratory birds in the Kreuzberg district
Public Art Project: workshop, exhibition and events
Current Program
July-September 2010, Berlin
construction of bird houses
3 workshops
Together with international artists, participants can build bird houses for the migratory birds in Kotti-light district. The resulting bird houses are presented in a final exhibition before they are then installed in the neighborhood.
21st - 24.07, 28 -. 7.31 04-07:08.. 15-20 Clock
in Kotti shop Adalbertstr. 4, 10999 Berlin
recordings / sound art
2 workshops
participants have the opportunity to make under the artistic guidance own sound collages that deal with the project theme . The results of the workshops will be presented in a final exhibition.
29th-31.07, 05 -. 07:08, each 11-18 clock
in Kreuzberg Museum
Adalbertstr. 95 A, 10999 Berlin
The exhibition documents the project and shows bird houses and sound collages that were created by the participants of the workshops.
During the exhibition, a symposium, a film evening and a concert.
29.08. - 12.09. 2010, Berlin Kreuzberg
opening: 28.08, 18 clock
Adalbertstr.. 95 A, 10999 Berlin
The workshops are aimed primarily at residents of the neighborhood-Kotti.
Participation in workshops and events is free and is open to all ages interested.
Registration & Information:
Tel: 01577-5780037
Email: vielflieger@openembassy.org
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