Sunday, May 23, 2010

Barbie Sweet 16 Invitations

Public Art Project (workshops, excursions, events & exhibition)

May –September 2010

At different locations around Kottbusser Tor, KOTTI, Berlin

In Turkey and its neighboring countries, bird houses enjoy a century-long tradition. These tiny but highly decorated houses were constructed on the   facades of public buildings as one of the typical architectural features. Within the striving urban life they should protect the birds from weather conditions and hungry cats. Inhabitants of those shelters often are migratory birds, which spent each winter in warmer regions. As temporary guests people welcomed them in a friendly way - a carrying human gesture towards the free migrants of the sky.

Also around the Kottbusser Tor , people - like migratory birds - are sharing the experience of departing and arriving, and the experience of being dependent on sharing the hospitality of others.

For that reason, between May and September, the public art project Quartier für Vielflieger invites local citizen to show their hospitality to migratory birds in very different ways, especially by creating a shelter!

If you want to wellcome these birds and add a piece to your environment made by you, JOIN U.S.!

Introductory Program 27.5. . - 6.6:

27.5. 18h Origami Workshop & Studio Opening Party Garden

30.5. 10h-Ornithological artistic excursion

30.5. 18h Origami Workshop Garden Studio

3.6. 11h-Turkish Ebru watercolor Family Garden

4.6. 11h-Turkish Ebru watercolor Family Garden

4.6. 19h Lecture & Talk Kotti shop

5.6. 11h-Turkish Ebru Aquarell Kotti-Shop 

5.6. 16h Participatory Drawing –Workshop Kotti-Shop 

6.6. 12h Storytelling Workshop Gartenstudio

6.6. 16h Participatory Drawing –Workshop Kotti-Shop

project by Seçil Yaylalı & Anne Deschka  


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