stimulus package for communication
autstark offers free consulting services
These days there is hardly a country without economic-stimulus package, including some set of measures to relieve the consumers. A very special kind of stimulus package now comes from communication experts: loud, Agency for Integrated Communications, based in Vienna is now free of cost to agency services in the total value of EUR 2,500. Christian Köhler, Managing Director of the Agency said: "Especially in these difficult times, the economy must also establish new communicative. Here, the efficient use of budgets are significant in the marketing planning. We want to help to realize the synergies among the used communication measures and exploit." The
would very easily. "Show what you do in the communication and we will show you how you can use your communications more targeted," Keller continues. The result, for example, sent home-based links, brochures, direct mail and press a sound communication reports, including ideas and suggestions for future improvement. For agencies, this task very complex and requires each individual analysis and conclusion. "With such a task is our entire team of strategic consultants, designers, online marketers and public relations specialists employed at least one day," Koehler calculated. Customers from industry and commerce, offices and organizations gain from the outcome of this communication checks essential strategic planning actionable insights and practical approaches for improvement. For more information, see .
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