migratory birds in the Kreuzberg district
29.08.-12.09. 2010 (admission free)
Kreuzberg Berlin, Adalbertstr. 95 A, 10999 Berlin
opening. 8.28, 18 clock
quarters for frequent fliers is a participatory art project for residents of the Berlin-Kotti neighborhood, which approaches the subject of the migratory bird migration over the subject. These are offered in May of workshops and events. Focus of activities is the joint construction of bird houses for birds, which are then installed in the neighborhood. The exhibition documents the project and displays the results of the workshops.
A project of Seçil Yaylali & Anne Deschka
Participating Artist: Isa Andreu, Anil Avci, John Dunn, Stefan end Wardt, Tim Greaves, Annette Knol, Dagmar Lesiak, Paul Paulun, Thekla Rickert, Yumi Tanabe, Emma Williams, Seçil Yaylali
Closing. 11:09, 18 Clock - 22 clock (admission free)
presented by Open Embassy eV
18 clock Screening & discussion
"Memories of a new home: The life of German women in Istanbul and Turkish women in Berlin." documentation for the exhibition (13:11:10 - 6.02 .11 Kreuzberg Museum Berlin)
then live music
Email: vielflieger@openembassy.org
Tel: 01577-5780037