The competition series the Scottish Highland Games Association begins on May 29 in Blackford and ends on September 18 in Invercharron. In total there are 59 games over this period (!) - And these are only those which belong to the SHGA.
The closest program there in late July / early August - where are the me ists tourists in Scotland. Between Saturday 17th July and Sunday 25th July as there is. 12 Games - up to three in one day.
come with some games also to host championships, the most important dates:
Scottish Heavyweight Championship in Crieff, 22 August
SHGA World Heavyweight Championships in Loch Lomond, 17 July
British Heavyweight Championship in Bridge of Allan, 8 August
SHGA Caber World Championships in Inveraray, 20 July
The largest and most popular games:
Aboyne Highland Games, 7 August
The Braemar Gathering, 4 September
Who wants to participate in the Games SHGA must first of all solve a license - this is 20 pounds for the 2010 season.
hand, you can also earn prize money for all games. The sum will be subject to all events is remarkable in Aboyne are the example. 8500 pound fund at Braemar 13 000 P . In
the Heavy Events can be earned in each contest prize money.
The performance level is quite different, the best athletes start of course in those games, where there is the most prize money.
For orientation, an overview of the results of 2009:
Putting the Light Ball or Stone (7.26 kg): The English ball piercing
Scott Rider was here the best, he won with 18.02 m to 17.97 m in Crieff in Loch Lomond. The former shot put and Strongman Sebastian Wenta from Poland won in Alva with 17.80 meters. The shortest was
winner reaches it in Lochearnhead with 12.43 m and 12.90 m with Atholl
Putting the Heavy Ball or Stone (9.98 kg): Here is what Sebastian Wenta front with 14.93 m in Ballater, Scott Rider came in Crieff at 14.77 m 10.18 m
was with it in the shortest winning distance Strathardle of the season.
28lb Weight for Distance (12.5 kg):
The Australian world class discus thrower Aaron Neighbour was here a class by itself, and could bring many victories. He scored his greatest dimension in Birnam with 26.23 m.
The Scot Craig Sinclair came in Markinch to 26.16 m.
was 19.43 m in Atholl it with the worst winning performance - even a considerable Wide.
56lb Weight for Distance (25.4 kg): This competition is only a little more than half of the Games to host. Again, Aaron Neighbour
was the strongest with 13.20 m in Lonach. The Scot Bruce Robb won with 12.52 meters in Braemar 10.51 m in Dufftown was the shortest winning distance 2009th
Light Hammer (7.26 kg):
Craig Sinclair (41.96 m in Lonach) and Aaron Neighbour (41.91 m in Bridge of Allan) were the strongest athletes 2009th
went in Lochearnhead away the victory with only 30.71 meters, with 33.68 meters in Newburgh
Heavy Hammer (9.98 kg):
Craig Sinclair (35.25 m and 34.84 m in Cornhill in Birnam) was here a little more clearly by Aaron Neighbour (33.19 m settle in Argyllshire). In
Lochearnhead there were 26.69 m back with the weakest performance winner.
Weight over the bar (25.4 kg):
4.87m (16'0 ") was the biggest winner in 2009 was at the height of a few games: Sebastian Wenta in Bridge of Allen and Alva and Aaron Neighbour in Dornoch . 3.96m (13'0 ") was the lowest level of which reached to a victory, for example. in Lochcarron, Lochearnhead and St.Andrews.
Tossing the Caber:
here is not known ever thrown for distance. The rules read: "The practice of not throwing a light caber tossing the caber for distance is and should be discontinued."
right - a Caber must properly be difficult - only the best of it, may not rotate.
Bruce Robb seems to be one of the best because he won in Braemar, where the heaviest tree and extra prize money if you are creating a clean rollover.
went, not surprisingly, the award of the Heavyweight Sportsman of the Year 2009 to Aaron Neighbour .
The overall ranking, the League went to Bruce Robb SHGA before Aaron Neighbour and Craig Sinclair.
the World Cup title in 2009 also won Aaron Neighbour, the Scottish Open Championships Sebastian Wenta.
The "Light Events League " - where are jumping competitions to host
2009, a third old friend - the Slovakian Marek Anest. He has been working since 2006 in Scotland and won some high jump, long jump and triple jump competitions.
The photo shows him in 2001 when he won the pentathlon in the ancient Carnuntum, where he also holds the Punktebestleistung.
the 'Stones of Manhood " have a long tradition in Scotland. Earlier, a young man had such a stone to a 1.20 meter high wall lift to be considered an adult and be allowed to take the Scots cap. emerged from this competition, the Atlas Stones in Strongman competitions, and also at various Highland Games there are special stones that need to be lifted. around the world are some common stones lying around and have only one purpose - to be lifted. The one who is probably the most high put the "Stone Lifter" Steve Jeck from the U.S..
The Inver Stone lies in Crathie, Scotland over the Inverhotel. Although he is only 120kg heavy but its smooth surface and round shape to lift very heavy. It is said that only three athletes managed to lift him over the head. As the first managed the strongman Bill Kazmaier, then the strong Highlander Hamish Davidson, and most recently Francis Brebner. He held the world record in the Weight for Distance, and was a multiple world champion in the Caber Toss. The picture shows his successful lift. The Dinnie Stones of Deeside are two large, heavy
e stones (197kg and 154kg) with iron rings to it. The famous Highlander Donald Dinnie she wore in 1860 on the bridge of Potarch. Since they lie in front of the Potarch Inn Hotel and there have been countless attempts to lift it or to go with them. In Switzerland there is the Unspunnen Stone . nterlaken there since 1805 in I (Switzerland), the Unspunnenfest where a heavy stone thrown must be lifted over the head and width is. The original of 1805 g ing but
lost. Duplicates have been stolen, delayed again and again, the current record with the stone Schwern 83.5 kg stone is 4.11 meters in 2004 by Markus Maire. In 2005 this stone was stolen from an exhibition again.
Prof. Dr. Dietmar Schmidtbleicher is director of the Institute for Sports Science at the Johann Wolfgang Goehte University in Germany.
Especially in the strength and speed training, he is an acknowledged leader in high performance sport.
took my first training partner this link to a lecture, but he mainly from football coaches, held out but still occurred time and again examples of Athletics:
Sounds really everything logical some questions remained open anyway. So Martin led an extensive telephone conversation with the "muscle doctor". The most important findings fact that we have derived for our training are: - Hypertrophiephasen muscle training (8-12WH) are required to have
- to an increase in maximum force development Transition of hypertrophy to the maximum force as abrupt changes - brings the greatest effect - are identical to 3WH change
- An extended period of maximum and explosive strength training can be solved, if varying the exercises or motions.
maximum strength exercises can be trained within a training session with explosive strength exercises and antagonists. At least 48 hours rest for each muscle group. to ensure better 2x 3x3 repetitions per week to maximum contractions in all repetitions
- In the speed-strength training is entscheident a steep increase in force curve -> fast motion models, Training must be rested -> rested really!
quality before Quanität, the body can not be tired in the state forced to explosive movements
Maximum muscle contractions in strength training are necessary. Deliberately slow motion versions work against resistance, static loads, etc. bring about anything.
- In strength training full ranges of motion are important to prevent injuries
- Explosive force and motion designs you get only when the will also be trained so -> no match movements in tired condition - better a few throws in practice, for longer periods.
Mental Training here supports the development of good technique, even without high litter sizes.
- Specific strength training is the throwing workout with lighter or heavier throwing devices. Explosive strength training with free weights (eg 60% of maximum force) does not help - the pattern of movement is too slow
- multiple jumps, etc. are only limited use as an explosive power exercise - the Movement is slower with each jump, the same goes for medicine ball throws, etc.
- The body force is critical to the throwing competitions, a "rigid" body ensures optimum power transmission
is now times a Hypertrophiephase in March and then it'll go with the Expolsivkrafttraining - am so excited ...